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Become the Bride of Frankenstein With the Monster Bride Costume This Halloween

Become the Bride of Frankenstein With the Monster Bride Costume This Halloween




Monster Bride costumes get their inspiration from the horror movies "The Bride of Frankenstein" and "Bride of the Monster." "The Bride of Frankenstein" is a sequel to the original movie about a doctor who wants to create life but created a monster instead. In this film, Frankenstein's mentor Pretorius returns and forces him to create a Bride for the Monster. He succeeds in his work of bringing the Bride to life by using lightning but when confronted with the Monster, she is scared of him. Unable to accept this rejection, the Monster destroys Frankenstein's laboratory and kills himself, along with the Bridge and Pretorius.

In the film "Bride of the Monster," the woman is the reporter who investigates a series of disappearances that she believes are due to a monster. In reality, these were caused by a mad scientist who wanted to produce an army of super humans using atomic energy. However, when he sees the reporter, he wanted to transform her into a super human who will be his bride. Fortunately, the scientist's assistant falls in love with her and he betrays his master. As a result, the scientist becomes a monster and dies in an atomic explosion.

The most common Monster Bride costumes are based on "The Bride of Frankenstein," and as such, the hairstyle used is often copied from the conical hairdo of Frankenstein's bride that has white streaks of lightning on the left side and the right side. However, because of the difficulty of getting this kind of hairdo, some costumes for children and adults do away with this trademark and simply use a conical hat to conceal the hair. Like the Frankenstein Monster, mechanical bolts can be seen protruding on both sides of the head through the hat. The Monster Bride can also wear a dress, gloves and pantyhose featuring the famous stitches seen on the Monster. Furry boots are used to complete the costume.

For those who want to really copy the looks of the Bride of Frankenstein, the monster wig is indispensable. There are several such wigs available from online stores and they can be made of synthetic fiber with the characteristic streaks of lightning. However, most Monster Bride costumes come complete with the wig, and a white dress with streaks of black and blue. The usual stitching to denote that this particular person has been patched up to create monster is usually evident. Combine this costume with a Frankenstein costume to become the monster couple this Halloween!

Become the Bride of Frankenstein With the Monster Bride Costume This Halloween

Monster High
